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Membership Overview

GAMC Supports and Protects the Interests of the Georgia Vending and Refreshment Services Industry

Legislative Support
GAMC's Board of Governors works closely with NAMA Government Affairs Team and our lobbyist Andrew Yang, to stay on top of legislation that may affect our industry and to protect our business interests.

Professional Development
As a GAMC member you will also become a member of the Southeastern Vending Association (SEVA) which is comprised of the state associations located in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee and Florida. The SEVA Convention is growing every year and continues to offer the opportunity for attendees to be challenged and inspired by world-class speakers, network with friends and business partners and also have jun with their families. Through training and education programs and small group discussions, you will have an opportunity to improve your own professional skills as well as strengthen other members of the organization.

Automatic Merchandiser and Vending Times keep you in touch with the latest trends, ideas and national happenings in our industry. A consolidated membership listing, both operator and supplier members, is available through the association staff office.

Public Relations
The board of Governors works to increase awareness of the association's activities with the trade press, and to enhance public understanding of the industry through the general news media. Members are encouraged to get involved in promoting their business and the industry.

AAttain recognition for your accomplishments through service to the GAMC Board of Governors, various committees and the public.

Networking and Contacts
Industry colleagues are all around to assist you in expanding your valuable business contacts. If you are looking for help or need to share business concerns with someone, GAMC members are here to support you.